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Collaboration to Create

Thomas Martell

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A new class has arrived at Dean College that merges the abilities of humanities students and communications students. Communications (COM) students can bring their camera experience and creativity while Humanities students are able to bring their research abilities and knowledge of historical events to create new documentaries.


This new course is called Documentary Filmmaking and is labeled as either HIS 494 or COM 494 depending on your major. The programs that are created in this class will have the opportunity to be published in the New England Journal of History (NEJH).

Photo Courtesy:

               The NEJH has a video series called History in Your Backyard which highlights the history of Franklin and its surrounding areas. The course is being collaboratively taught by Video Professor Gregg Seibert and Humanities Professor Dr. David Dennis.


The course is currently set up to hold eighteen students, including thirteen humanities students and five communications students. Each COM student chose a group to work with based on what they were most interested in.


There are currently eleven episodes of History in Your Backyard that you can find on the NEHJ website. Topics range from the history of Dean College to the history of the Franklin War Memorials. The NEHJ has been active since 1943 and is run as an academic journal. According to the NEHJ website:

"Twice annually the New England History Teachers Association (NEHTA) publishes the New England Journal of History, an academic journal with the mission of promoting scholarship of historical and educational significance."


The NEHJ is currently based right here at Dean College and supported by the humanities program. Dr. David Dennis and Gregg Siebert serve as editors of the journal.

Dr. Dennis (left) Gregg Seibert (right) Photo Courtesy:

When asked about the co-teaching aspect, Professor Siebert stated;


"I think we both bring to the classroom completely different skill sets that complement each other and thereby it works well for the students while conducting their projects. I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for Dr. D., and I think his respect for my talents and skills make for a truly cool “Coolaboration!”


The respect that Dr. Dennis and Professor Siebert have for each other will allow for the growth of the class and allow for more opportunities for the students. When asked about the opportunities for the students, Professor Siebert says;


"We have top students from the Communications and Humanities programs united in a common good to realize programs that have the potential to be published in the History In Your Backyard series on the New England Journal of History. The opportunity for students to become published producers and directors of photography/editors is a substantial accomplishment for all the teams that produce a program to the level necessary to become published."


Dr. David Dennis added to this statement by saying;


"In addition to what Gregg wrote, I’d also add that this class has the potential to establish a unique program in documentary filmmaking at Dean College."


This new collaborative class opens up many opportunities for the students who enroll, allowing them to gain great experience working in the field and become published filmmakers.



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