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Joëlle Nelly Reisner

Club Feature: Dean News Network

(Photo Courtesy DNN)

Dean College has a variety of clubs in which students can participate, but the club you should join is DNN. DNN, or Dean News Network, is a student-led organization where you can learn about production, filmmaking, and being creative. Anyone is welcome to join the club. The group meets twice weekly, Mondays at 5 p.m. in Science Building 11 and Thursdays at 6:15 in Digital Studios. Monday meetings consist of deciding the week's production schedule, playing games, and socializing with peers. Thursday meetings are the actual production shoots, where you will have the opportunity to have hands-on experience with cameras and other recording equipment.

DNN produces segments on campus news, athletics, student spotlights, movie reviews, entertainment news, professional sports, and more. Those are the main themes for news segments, but you can create episodes on any subject you're passionate about. Content can be accessed worldwide through the Dean News Network's social media pages, including YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. You should join DNN because it is a welcoming community where everyone supports one another and is always there for each other when help is needed with learning the ways of production and filming. Joining DNN will allow you to gain new abilities, such as editing and working with others, and endless opportunities to make new friends. If you become dedicated to the club and want to become more involved, there are opportunities to run for E-Board, allowing you to become a club leader. The next election will occur after the coming spring semester. Also, look for more information about DNN on Today@dean and all the social media about where and when meetings will occur. We hope to see you at the first Pre-Production meeting on Monday, September 11th, at 5 p.m. in Science 11, where pizza will be provided.

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