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Joëlle Nelly Reisner

Club Feature: Dean Activities Board


The Dean Activities Board (DAB) is one of Dean College's premiere student-run organizations. DAB's goal is to organize most school events to improve the social experience for the Dean College Community. They aim to provide a secure environment for people to discuss ideas, arrange activities, and be a successful club on campus.  

Events are organized and hosted by the E-Board but often have the help of other students, faculty, and staff. The current E-Board consists of Alex Goldstein as President, Ella Smith as Vice President, and Mike Korizis as treasurer.

DAB already has several planned activities they are looking forward to for the Spring. These events include Drag Bingo, Spring Week, Trivia, and food trucks. DAB is especially proud of its Drag Bingo event, which will take place in April.

DAB meets every Tuesday at 5:00 pm in Student Center 201. There, they cover ongoing events as well as plans for future activities.

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