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Elmore Steps Down

Tom Szot

Kenneth Elmore announced through email today that he would be stepping down as President of Dean College effectively on May 19th, 2024.

Kenneth Elmore, Photo Courtesy: Dean College

This decision comes as a shock to many students, with there being no implication or word about a possible resignation from the President or any of his faculty. Shortly after students received the email from Elmore, a second email was sent out from the Chair of the Board of Trustees, stating Elmore’s accomplishments as President and their process of finding a successor.

“President Elmore has helped guide Dean College through a critical period of transition. Under his stewardship, Dean College has not only navigated this time of change successfully but has also made significant strides toward becoming a more integrated partner within the Franklin community…While we prepare for this next transition, the Board is committed to ensuring a seamless and thoughtful process to identify a successor who will continue to advance our shared mission, values, and standards of excellence, all of which have been nurtured and strengthened by President Elmore.” 

The email sent out by the Board of Trustees goes on to say that Dean will be led by an Office of the President while they look for a successor. The Office of the President consists of Board Chair Mark Boyce, Executive Vice-President Sandra Cain, and Chief Financial Officer Tom Pistorino. 

While there was no reason given for his sudden resignation, Elmore reflected on his work and time at Dean College, saying; “Together, we’ve made contributions to Dean and Franklin as they meet the future – I am proud…although our paths have crossed, briefly, and our future journeys may differ, I look forward to seeing you again…Thank you, Dean College. Thank you, Franklin.”

Kenneth Elmore Outside Dean Hall; Photo Courtesy; Dean College



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