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National Voter Registration Day


Photo Courtesy of the Civic Responsibility Project

The fourth Tuesday of every September is officially National Voter Registration Day. This year, that falls on September 28! It’s a day a to celebrate the democracy we live in and educate ourselves on one of our most sacred rights- voting.

The first thing you can do to celebrate National Voter Registration Day is make sure you’re registered to vote. If you’re a Massachusetts resident, you can check your voter registration status here. And if you aren’t registered to vote yet, you can do so in two minutes online! Use this link to access the Massachusetts online registration form. For everyone else who isn’t a Massachusetts resident, the National Voter Registration Day website has the form for you. Use this secure link to quickly register as a voter in your home state. The webpage uses four different online voter registration platforms and ensures your sensitive data is kept private.

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Today is the day to bring attention and awareness to voting before election season starts up, but you still have some time to get registered if you haven’t already. Massachusetts’ deadline to register for an election is 20 days prior, which would make this year’s deadline Oct. 13. For those who reside outside Massachusetts, check out’s Voter Registration Deadline chart to make sure you register in time to vote in this year’s election.

Election day this year is Nov. 2, and it’ll be here before we know it. Embrace your democratic constitutional right and make sure you vote. To close with a fun National Voter Registration Day fact, George Washington apparently used his campaign budget to buy his constituents a round of drinks on election day way back when!

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For more information on National Voter Registration Day and how you can get involved, visit



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