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Trump Plaza and Casino goes down in pieces.

(Photo Courtesy of

Standing tall for 40 years in the making on the New Jersey shore, on February 18th, the Trump Plaza and Casino was demolished. Many people were clapping and cheering when the Plaza was going down in pieces. Originally, the building was scheduled for destruction on January 29th, but officials were waiting for a higher bid for the job to occur, but it never did.

In 1984, Trump Plaza officially opened as a part of Donald Trump's reputation when it comes to owning a large sum of real estate. 2014 was the year that the plaza had to receive many repairs and officials thought that it was time to demolish the building once and for all.

According to the New York Times, “About 3,000 pieces of dynamite were used to implode the 34-story building.” It is also reported that it only took a few seconds to happen.

Trump had a decade-long love-hate relationship with Atlantic City when it came to financial issues. He later in 2014 asked to remove his name from “Trump Entertainment Resort” and sued them in the process to avoid lawsuits. In the end of this fiasco, Trump’s name was only tied to the Taj Mahl while Icahn Enterprise was responsible for the rest of the estate.

The high times in the Plaza’s existence was when it began to host boxing matches, concerts and well-known, often famous clients. In the end, it was not enough for the Plaza to stand any longer.

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