Election day is right around the corner. It’s that time again for you to
get out and vote. Do not let anyone get in your way of voting. Here are 5
reasons why it is important for you to vote in the election:
1. Whoever you elect to office will decide and affect your future.

Your elected official has the power to make decisions for the entire country, which includes you. Think about the issues that could or already affect you: climate change, gun violence, healthcare, civil rights, etc. You cannot solve all those issues on your own because you do not have the power to do so. Your leader has that power, and whoever gets elected and will address those conflicts that you have or care about, depends on your vote.
2. You only get to vote every couple of years, depending on the governmental role.

A Presidential election is every four years, the Senate election is every six years, and the House of Representatives election is every two years. If someone elected to office makes a decision you disagree with or badly affects you, you cannot kick them out of office whenever you want to. Instead, you have to wait until they get defeated by an opposing candidate in their next election, which will not be for a few years depending on what their job is in government. Whether your elected official gets defeated or not depends on if you vote.
3. Even just one vote makes a huge difference no matter the type of election.

In the 2021 governmental race in New Jersey, according to a NY Times article, Phil Murphy won by less than 1%. Had even just a handful of people chosen to sit out of the elections and not vote, Murphy’s opponent could have easily won. This concludes that the more votes, the more your preferred candidate, whether Democratic or Republican, is likely to win the election.
4. Voting gives you the power against a political candidate you disagree with.
Politicians have the power to hold office until their next election a few years later. However, when it comes to voting, this is the only time you can overpower a political candidate if you disagree with their policies. That is because, if you vote them out, then they have no choice but to leave office to their successors, no matter how much they want to remain in power.
5. Voting is a way to stand up for what you believe in and express your opinions.
If you have issues that you care about or know will affect you, voting allows you to express it. When you go to the polls, in a way, you are admitting that you have an issue that has an impact on you and are going to vote to make sure that what you want to see change in the future, becomes a reality. Voting is standing up for yourself and for what you believe strongly about.
In conclusion, voting is a constitutional right given to American citizens who are at least 18 years of age. So, if you are 18 or older, get out there and vote! If you are not registered, go register to vote. Encourage anyone else you know who is unlikely to vote, to do so as well. Your vote is power. Your voice. Let your voice be heard!
