Dean College empowers its students with the promotion of student organizations. Whether these clubs talk about different cultures or create community engagement on campus, there are plenty of opportunities for students to be involved on campus. The Dean College Women in Business Club will be the newest club on campus, which is open to all female students majoring or minoring in a degree in the School of Business.
The Dean College Women in Business club was co-founded by President Madison Frechette and is advised by Faculty Professor Kelly Rys with the goal of preparing female students to succeed in the business world. Although it has not launched yet, the Women in Business Club already has great ambition with plans to host a Women in Business Conference in the Spring of 2024. This event will celebrate the stories of successful young female alumni, entrepreneurs, and other women in business.
An information session for the Women in Business Club to promote the club will be on Tuesday, April 11th, from 6-7 PM in the Golder Room in the Student Center. Nominations for executive board positions and conference co-chairs will also take place that same day for the clubs launch this Fall.
To learn more about the Women in Business Club, reach out to Faculty Advisor,, or Co-founder and President, Madison Frechette for more information.