(Image courtesy of SpeakEasies)
SpeakEasies Improv Troupe meets every Friday at 4PM in the Performing Arts Studios on campus. The group is comprised of students ranging from freshman to seniors with four E-board members leading the group: Ts Burnham (President), Lucien Dimarzio (Vice President), Addison Graham (Secretary) and Tess Prusa (Delegate). The group meets to perform in front of audiences for their Halloween and Christmas shows but run rehearsals weekly throughout the school year. Last year, the group was forced to meet the same fate as other clubs on campus and move to an online environment. This is the second rehearsal back on campus in-person for the group. I got the chance to sit in on one of their rehearsals and see what the group is all about.
They started with some games to warm up and get the energy going. Within minutes the performing arts studio exploded with the sounds of yells and stomping feet. The energy was through the roof and the rehearsal was just beginning. The next part of the rehearsal was a game called “Why don't you sing about it.” The actors would begin with a scene that would begin in a setting then evolve into a song. Different groups of five would begin scenes and slowly create plots and alternate characters for themselves to play and advance the plot. One group was able to begin with the setting of Dean’s dining hall and evolve it into a song about mac and cheese pizza within seconds. Songs would form together accompanied by percussion from clapping and stomping feet of those sitting and watching the performances. It was impressive to watch the actors come up with lyrics and verses completely on the fly. They were able to bounce off of each other with flawless fluidity. Actors embrace their hiccups and just laugh off any character breaks that happen.
While the group might just sound like fun and games, it is clear the members are talented. Many of the members are musical theater majors who are able to perform on the biggest stages on Dean College’s campus. The balance of being a musical theater major with such busy schedules with rehearsals for either the play or musical make being a student difficult. I got the chance to sit down with some of the E-board and ask them about their experiences with the club and what makes it all worth it.
What is the feeling like of being back on campus with the turn to an in-person environment?
Ts: “Incredible. We did not have a rehearsal schedule (online) and with the video delays we are grateful to be back in person... we are very happy to be back in person.”
Addison: “It is great to have new faces and get back to what we love.”
Tess: “The energy cannot be matched.”
What was the most difficult challenge when having to switch to an online environment?
Addison: “Online is not made for improv.”
Tess: “SpeakEasies is fun, but it felt like another hour online.”
Ts: “Improv over zoom can be very intimidating for those not used to it.”
What are your hopes for the future shows? Is there anything else planned besides the holiday shows?
Ts: “Definitely look out for next semester where different plans are hopeful lined up with bigger crowds...Look out for other collaborations with clubs.”
Addison: “Having an in-person audience.”
Lucian: “Hopefully no masks if we can get away with it.”
After getting to sit in on one of the group’s rehearsals, I am incredibly excited to see them perform again for one of their shows. To stay up to date on all of the group’s future productions, make sure to follow their Instagram @speakeasiesimprov.