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Dean vs COVID

Dylan Hicks

The past year has been disappointing to students here at Dean College. The year of 2020 was supposed to be one of the best, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it wasn’t, as the school was shut down for nearly nine months. The freshmen missed out on their first semester of college, while the seniors missed out on one of their last. Fortunately, Dean was able to make a plan to re-open and has been back in person for three weeks. Although Dean has been able to open back up, strict rules were put in place to keep the infection rate low.

On the first day of arrival, the students were put in quarantine for 24 hours, until they came back with a negative COVID test. After being released from quarantine, students were instructed to not enter another residence hall, wear a mask at all times, maintain social distancing and to keep areas at a low capacity. Although these rules seem strict, most students find them to be effective. According to an independent Instagram poll taken on February 1st, 84 percent of students believe Dean has enforced effective rules that have kept the infection rate low. Most students here have followed these rules to a tee, so that they can experience college in person, and not through a computer screen.

Freshman Valery Gonzalez believes that the rules that have been enforced are effective and has praised the way the school has enforced its COVID restrictions. According to Gonzalez, “I feel like they have properly maintained social distancing with the way they set up the lounge and make sure everyone is wearing their masks properly and making sure everybody’s getting their two tests a week.” Gonzalez also praised the students at Dean for their part in complying with the rules saying “I think they have been complying with the rules and maintaining social distancing and wearing the mask. Obviously, it’s understandable when you’re eating, but I’ve personally observed once they finish, they put it right back on.”

The COVID outbreak has been serious and has clouded our lives for the past year. From school cancellations to missing out on travelling plans, COVID has negatively affected us all. Dean has been able to re-open and has enforced strict rules that most students are following. If we don’t wear the mask and ignore social distancing, the pandemic will only continue. Fortunately, Dean has given its students a chance to be in person, and so far, the students have followed the rules and look to have a strong semester in person, and not learning through a computer screen.


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