This semester marks the third straight semester of college students on campus during the COVID-19 pandemic since the outbreak began in Spring 2020. Dean has once again put in protocols to keep its students and staff safe which includes social distancing, mask mandates and COVID testing once a week.
Although these rules are meant for everyone’s safety, how popular are they?
Despite several states in the U.S. lifting their mask mandates for its vaccinated residents, Dean College keeps its mask mandate of wearing a mask indoors and outdoors in place, regardless of vaccination status. The reason for this is likely due to the high numbers out of state and out of country residents that attend Dean that may be in areas with high rates of COVID-19 transmission.

*Testing will once again take place at Thayer Barn. (Photo Via Dylan Hicks)
According to an independent poll at Dean, fifty-four percent of students still support wearing masks regardless of vaccination status.
“I still support wearing masks indoors regardless of vaccination status,” said Matthew Gearon, who still supports wearing masks indoors regardless of vaccination status.
“Seeing as we all got vaccinated, ideally no,” said one student who opposes the current mask mandate at Dean College.

*Face coverings are required indoors, regardless of vaccination status. (Photo Via Dylan Hicks)
For students to be able to return to campus, it was announced in April that any of the three COVID-19 vaccinations would be mandatory. According to the CDC, all three versions of the vaccine have been very effective at preventing transmission of COVID-19 variants. Moderna currently sits at 90%; Pfizer, which is now FDA approved, is at 91.3% while Johnson & Johnson sits at 72%.
Another poll taken among Dean College students revealed seventy-three percent of students would have still been willing to be vaccinated, regardless of Dean’s or their states’ mandates or requirements.
“I would have gotten vaccinated regardless of Dean’s requiring it, just because of how effective they have been,” said one student, standing behind the documented effectiveness thus far.
The outbreak of the coronavirus has greatly impacted people around the world. Death of friends and family members due to the virus are common, education was stunted, and the mental health of citizens has been concerning. Although vaccinations are proving to be effective, and the goal of returning to a pre-covid society is common, not everyone feels the pandemic is over yet.
Another independent poll taken from Dean students revealed that only thirty-seven percent of students believe the pandemic is near its end, while sixty-three percent believe that there is still a lot of work to be done.
“I believe there is still more work to do because people still need to follow safety protocols and be safe because it is just a matter of time and patience, because the pandemic will be over in the next year or two,” said student Angus Lodge.
Whether or not the pandemic is at its true end is yet to be seen. But with Deans’ effectiveness at handling the pandemic last year and its decision to reuse the same protocols, plus with 96 percent of students on campus vaccinated, the College is in ideal position to avoid a shutdown of in-person studies.