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Student Feature: Kevin Mahoney

Photo Courtesy of Kevin Mahoney

No one often knows about the confidence hidden within someone else and I believe Kevin Mahoney is a prime example of that. Why did I decide on Kevin? We share a lot of similar interests from a first glance. We both enjoy video games and heavier music as we’re both a part of the Music Culture Club on campus. I got the chance to sit down with him and ask him a few questions regarding his academic career here at Dean along with personal hobbies and interests.

First, I asked why he decided to attend Dean. I like to ask this as a basic icebreaker because the answer usually varies, even if it’s a robust and boring question. Plus, I really find the question interesting. Learning majors and minors is fun for me. He responded saying, “I chose to come to Dean because of the strong academic support they offered.” It was a simple enough answer that didn’t really need any further explanation and questioning, it’s the same reason why I’m here outside of knowing someone.

We then moved onto personal hobbies. I asked the simple, “what are your hobbies? Any fun stories?” He went on to tell me that he enjoys listening to music and playing video games. When asked for specifics, he mentioned his love for punk rock music and video games in the action-adventure genre such as Red Dead Redemption 2, Mass Effect, and various titles in the Lego franchise. He specifically told me, “My favorite Lego games of all time are Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, the original Lego Batman, it’s sequel, and Lego Marvel Superheroes.” We shared a mutual appreciation for the Lego games, although I have yet to play the last one.

Finally, a very important question as it lets whoever I’m speaking to have their moment to shine, “what do you consider your biggest achievement?” Kevin told me his greatest achievement is “not letting my hearing loss define me. I’m amazed by how far I’ve gotten in life despite this obstacle.” As someone who’s legally blind, this resonated with me and made me smile. It’s an incredible feeling when you can surpass all odds. He’s able to power through it all despite a physical disability, that’s impressive. Since we both shared a similar characteristic, I asked him, “do you have any words or advice for others like yourself?” I believe his answer is as true and honest as it gets. He replies to me, “if there was any advice I could give to people who have disabilities it’s to not worry about what others think. Just be true and proud of yourself, that's all that matters.”

I thanked him for his time. I was grateful for the opportunity. Kevin is a prime example of someone whose courage and confidence is reserved yet known and expressed. Hopefully people can take a page from him and accept themselves for who they are.

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